Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jerry Maguire - movie review

I know, this is too common a movie, too popular, too well-known to be writing a review about. But sometimes, I have to be selfish right? How can I not write a review on a movie, which still has the ability to make me cry , which still has the ability to make me miss my first love and still inspires me to give love another chance. I know, this sugary soft side doesn't suit my goofy image, but this is also a part of me, maybe not so prominent now and hidden away in the innumerable layers I chose to weave around myself, but then thats all the more reason to cheer for this movie, it still has the ability to reach my core and move me.
Should I talk about the story? I mean, if you not seen the movie yet, God save you.
The movie talks about love and inspiration for the underdog. How, Jerry Maguire, who is kicked by his company, after he suddenly starts developing a conscience and an ethical streak and left all alone to fight back his way to the top, does it with sincerity and whole-hearted determination. How a loving partner inspires him in the times of despair and how being true to his mission statement finally sees him through.
It has some golden lines which have been framed in the 'Hall of Fame of Hollywood Romance'. Yeah, I made that up, but if there was such a thing, these lines would surely have been there.
The scene which usually makes me cry :
Jerry Maguire: I love you. You... you complete me. And I just...
Dorothy: Shut up, just shut up. You had me at hello.

A few other golden lines :
Dicky Fox: Hey... I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

Dorothy: I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I love him for the man he almost is.

Dicky Fox: If this
[points to heart]
Dicky Fox: is empty, this
[points to head]
Dicky Fox: doesn't matter.

It is one of the best performances by Tom Cruise. Renee Zellweger is gorgeous and delivers an extremely sincere performance. A most special mention to the kid in the movie. He takes your heart away and almost softens you to the idea that having a kid someday would not be so bad

I give it a rating of 6.5 out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review...
    Having a kid someday would not be so bad... Will keep reminding you time and again...
